Thursday, April 14, 2011

Justin Bieber SEO in webmaster tools

Today I logged into Google Webmaster Tools to check how the Justin Bieber SEO blog is standing with Google. Here are the results:
In the search queries top 10 are :justin bieber, big traffic, justin bieber stats,
justin bieber blogg, justin bieber phrases, blog seo, justin bieber blog, justin people, blog justin bieber and justin bieber blogg bilder.
Main keywords are blog (2 variants), seo, bieber, justin, experiment. Three domains are listed for the Links to the site -, and 1 not found error and 17 URL restricted by robots.txt
The experiment continues with more tests and pictures.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Justin Bieber SEO blog on first page in Google Search results

After adding my previous post about the partnering with As Seen on TV, I wrote on Google search for justin bieber as seen on tv. The Justin Bieber SEO blog was on the first page results - ninth link. Amazing. I easily ranked on Google with the free blog, without spending money for SEO.

As seen on the image at the right, the blog appeared in the Google Search Engine Results at 9th place, beating the Verified Account of Justin Bieber on Myspace Comedy. The experiment continues. I am going to check what the other search engines like Yahoo, Bing, Yandex and Seznam return for the SEO optimized blog. It gets more and more interesting as the blog gets more and more attention and develops. Of course not by its own. SEO is a constant process of building your name on the web. See you in my next post.

Justin Bieber SEO blog and As Seen on TV

As Seen On TV on Justin Bieber SEO blog
I just received an e-mail from Google Affiliate Network with a list of their new programs. I applied for As Seen On TV. It is about partnering with the official "As Seen on TV" website. On their website you can find all products from your favorite infomercials and television programming. I received approval and now the Justin Bieber SEO blog is official partner with As Seen on TV

Visit the website of As Seen On TV -

Justin Bieber SEO - second result for image search is this blog.

While looking at the stats of the blog I noticed yesterday I had a visit from Google image search. Curious to see how the blog was found I followed the link to find that the blog is now the second result for the phrase Justin Bieber SEO. Putting the search in quotes brings very similar result:

As seen on the picture, the second result is a picture of the blog statistics that I published after I got the first visitor from Google. The fourth result is a picture from article about the experiment on Hub Pages. There are other results for the phrase linking to content related to this blog and the experiment as well.

So far the experiment is more than successful. When I started it last month I was not expecting any visits to this site at all. I have two other blogs, related to my website, where I publish by microblogging updates to my website in English and in Bulgarian, but they did not gain any natural visitors even after months of posting on them. The Justin Bieber SEO blog is much more popular, even if less maintained. The conclusion with the new results is that it is much easier to rank for images than for text, where everyone is focusing. If the blog turns even more successful than it is now, I may reconsider its goal and turn it into a full featured blog with news, events, gossips, reviews and similar. The experiment continues. Check back later for more.

Monday, April 11, 2011

The SEO experiment is now on Docstoc

I added article in Microsoft Word document about the experiment on document publishing website - Justin Bieber on Docstoc. While it may not give direct link to the blog, it will spread the word about the experiment to bigger audience.

The experiment is still going on and getting stronger.
By Ventsislav Tsvetkov Privacy Policy